Trainer of Combat Hopak and Territorial Defense Soldier. Remembering Ivan Pidgurskyi.

Coach and soldier in combat hopak
Coach and soldier in combat hopak

Every day at 9 a.m., Ukrainians honor the memory of all those whose lives were taken by the Russian-Ukrainian war. Today, let's remember Ivan Pidgurskyi.

During a combat mission in the Bakhmut direction, Ivan Pidgurskyi (call sign Sirko) and his comrades came under mortar fire. He died from the injuries received. This happened on July 15, 2023, near the city of Bakhmut.

Ivan Pidgurskyi was born on April 25, 1980, in the village of Tsyhany in Ternopil region. He trained as a carpenter and graduated from Lviv University of Physical Culture and Sports. He worked as a school teacher and taught combat hopak.

After moving to Chernivtsi, he founded the first school of combat hopak. The school now bears his name. Ivan Pidgurskyi was an active proponent of Ukrainian hopak and spread patriotic ideas among the youth.

Ivan Pidgurskyi was fanatically passionate about his work. He taught students, took them to competitions and events. He raised an entire generation of children who now also practice combat hopak.

Ivan met his wife Karina on social media. They married and had three children. Karina says Ivan was always direct, strong-willed, and always pursued his goals. They planned their future together, but the war changed their destiny.

During a combat mission in the Bakhmut direction, Ivan Pidgurskyi and his comrades came under mortar fire. He died from the injuries received. This happened on July 15, 2023.

Ivan Pidgurskyi is buried in Chernivtsi at the cemetery in the Lenkivtsi neighborhood. In Chernivtsi, the street and lane of Ostap Vilshyna were renamed in his honor.

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