Distilled wine found in China, produced over 3,000 years ago.

Distilled wine from China, 3,000 years ago
В Китаї виявили давнє вино, виготовлене понад три тисячі років тому.

Distilled wine from the Bronze Age found in China

Archaeologists have discovered ancient distilled wine that was produced over three thousand years ago in Eastern China. The find was made in the ruins of the city of Jinan, in the Daxingzhuang area. The distilled alcohol was found in a bronze vessel dating back to the late Shang dynasty.

According to experts, this vessel was uncovered back in 2010, but due to its oxidized surface, it took some Time to properly study the find. Laboratory tests confirmed that the liquid found in the vessel is distilled wine, as it contains neither sugar nor protein, which are characteristic of regular wine produced through fermentation without distillation.

This discovery suggests that the history of distilled alcoholic beverages production in China may begin 1,000 years earlier than previously thought

Moreover, the wine industry in France is facing a challenge as young people are consuming less red wine and preferring healthier alternatives such as non-alcoholic beverages.

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