Latvia has devised a way to provide vehicles to the Armed Forces of Ukraine: details.

AFV vehicles
AFV vehicles

Latvia bans the entry of Belarusian vehicles

The Seimas of Latvia supported a bill that bans the stay of vehicles with Belarusian registration on its territory. They will be confiscated and transferred to Ukraine. This restriction is analogous to existing restrictions for Russian vehicles.

According to the bill, owners of Belarusian vehicles in Latvia must either leave the country by October 31 of this year or register their vehicles in Latvia. Otherwise, the vehicles will be confiscated and transferred to Ukraine.

After October 31, Belarusian vehicles will be able to enter Latvia only in transit mode, and drivers will need to use the electronic services of the Road Safety Directorate.

The bill contains exceptions for diplomatic services, embassies, delegations, and vehicles for humanitarian purposes. Persons with limited mobility will also be able to use Belarusian vehicles to visit relatives in Latvia if they obtain permission from the Financial Intelligence Service.

The bill is awaiting official announcement and a second hearing on September 12.

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