It will be easier for Ukrainians to get a job in Switzerland: details.

Ukrainian immigrant meeting with employer in Switzerland
Ukrainian immigrant meeting with employer in Switzerland

The Swiss Federal Council has decided to increase the employment rate for Ukrainian refugees. The Federal Department of Justice and Police has been tasked with developing legislative changes that will ease the integration of Ukrainians into the labor market by February 2025. This decision was based on the report of a working group led by former Aargau canton minister Urs Hofmann, which studied the practical experience of applying migration status "S" and its socio-economic conditions.

The Swiss Parliament also supports simplifying the procedure for employing Ukrainian refugees, proposing to introduce a notification system instead of a permit system. In addition, Ukrainians with "S" status are required to register with public employment services and participate in social integration programs, but are given the opportunity to freely change their canton of residence.

What is "S" status

Protection status "S" in Switzerland is a special temporary migration status granted to people in need of immediate protection due to military conflicts or mass persecution. This status entitles the holder to stay in the country, work under a simplified procedure, health insurance, education for children, and limited rights to move within the Schengen area.

The Swiss Parliament also supported the creation of a payment system for asylum seekers based on special debit cards, which can be implemented nationwide.

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