Electricity prices in Ukraine will rise: from 5.6 to 9 hryvnias per kilowatt at different times of the day.

Electricity prices will increase in Ukraine
Electricity prices will increase in Ukraine

NERC approved new electricity tariffs

On October 1, 2024, the National Commission for State Regulation in the Energy and Utilities Sectors (NERC) made an important decision regarding electricity tariffs. According to the regulator's press service, NERC approved the draft resolution 'On the price caps in the day-ahead market, intraday market, and balancing market'.

The introduction of a new pricing system is scheduled for November this year. The main price increase is expected during the day - from 11:00 to 17:00, where the price cap might rise from 5600 to 6900 hryvnias per MWh. This step is aimed at optimizing the operation of the energy system during increased demand.

The tariff changes are aimed at optimizing the operation of the energy system during periods of increased demand

At night, from midnight to 7 AM, the price will remain unchanged - 5600 hryvnias per MWh, which is expected to stimulate consumption during low load periods. The evening peak from 17:00 to 23:00 will be characterized by the highest price cap - 9000 hryvnias per MWh.

Currently, NERC plans to hold open discussions where all market participants will have the opportunity to submit their proposals and comments. Additionally, Ukraine is considering the possibility of removing restrictions on electricity imports from the EU in order to balance the energy system during potential Russian attacks.

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