Enemy fleet has lost influence: the Ukrainian Navy dispelled the myth of the "powerful maritime state" of Russia.

Ukrainian Navy reveals weakness of Russian fleet
Ukrainian Navy reveals weakness of Russian fleet

The spokesperson for the Naval Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Dmytro Pletenchuk, claims that the Russian fleet can no longer significantly influence the course of hostilities in Ukraine. He made this statement during the national telethon.

Pletenchuk emphasized the limited capabilities of the Russian fleet, noting: "Regardless of the degree of readiness and the number of units, it is practically impossible to influence the course of hostilities in our theater."

He also noted the problems that Russia has faced in deploying its forces.

"The enemy might be able to transfer some units through internal waters, but will not do so, as even those units that remain in the Black Sea cannot manage, as the Black Sea is effectively paralyzed in the Azov-Black Sea region," Pletenchuk assessed the situation.

The spokesperson for the Ukrainian Navy also pointed out the geographical limitations of the Russian fleet: "As for other waters, like the Mediterranean Sea, they cannot reach there as well."

Moreover, Pletenchuk highlighted the technological lag of the Russian fleet compared to the countries of the North Atlantic alliance.

"Russia considers itself a powerful maritime state, but technologically it still lags behind NATO countries," he said.

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