The West faces significant amounts of disinformation even without Russia's influence — Media.

Fake news against the West
Fake news against the West

The professional masters of disinformation warfare are Vladimir Putin and his team. This is further confirmed by the open case of the US Department of Justice, which exposes Russia's attempts to interfere in the US presidential elections. Among Russia's goals are also undermining support for Ukraine's defense and discrediting the US, UK, and NATO as a whole. However, this indicates Putin's weakness, as he believes the public does not have its own will and opinions, and their views are artificially formed.

It's a pity, but now Putin can save some money, as people have appeared on the scene who specifically amplify social conflict and spread disinformation. Thus, about 6 billion political posts are published monthly on the Twitter platform, and some of them contain fake news. Such an amount exceeds the efforts of Russian "troll factories."

Source: ZN.UA

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