Writer Zabuzhko explained to Ukrainians how to properly declare love without copying the Russians.

Oksana Zabuzhko calls on Ukrainians to express their feelings correctly, taking into account the specifics of the Ukrainian language. She urged not to use the Russian expression 'признаваться в любви', but to use the Ukrainian variant - 'зізнаватися'. Zabuzhko emphasized that languages are not identical and one cannot simply translate a word from one language to another.
The writer explained that the Ukrainian language has its own peculiarities and does not need bureaucratic language. She noted that the Ukrainian language does not have the expression 'сделал предложение', which exists in Russian, and it is better to use the phrase 'він мені освідчився'. Zabuzhko called on everyone to abandon incorrect translations and to speak and love beautifully, considering the Ukrainian language.
Zabuzhko recommends not to use the phrase 'зізнаватися в коханні', as it has negative associations. She asks whether it is really so scary for people to express their feelings that they use such a negative phrase. Zabuzhko emphasizes that it is correct to say 'освідчуватися' and calls on everyone to remember this word and use it properly.
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