The Ministry of Defense regained land near Kyiv.

Land near Kyiv returned by Ministry of Defense
Land near Kyiv returned by Ministry of Defense

The Ministry of Defense regained defense lands lost due to an unlawful scheme

The Ministry of Defense of Ukraine regained land plots with an area of about 2 hectares, which are located near the borders of the city of Kyiv and have an approximate value of 80 million UAH. According to the agency, in March 2024, local government bodies withdrew the defense lands from the Ministry of Defense's ownership through the use of an unlawful scheme.

It is noted that the Ministry of Defense owns a land plot of more than 9 hectares in one of the villages of the Kyiv region, on which a military town is located.

Part of the buildings of the military town was transferred to communal ownership, but the decision to transfer the land plot was not made and agreed upon. Local government bodies reduced the defense lands and created four additional land plots. The Security Service of Ukraine discovered the acquisition of these land plots and promptly informed the Ministry of Defense. Thanks to the received information, the Ministry of Defense took measures in cooperation with the State Geocadastre and the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine, which led to the recognition of the state registration of the land plots by the local community as illegal and its cancellation, and the lands were returned to the ownership of the defense department.

It is noted that the appropriation of defense lands is unacceptable, especially during the legal regime of martial law. The Ministry of Defense is constantly working on identifying facts of illegal land seizure and returning them to state ownership until 100% of such lands are returned.

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