Iryna Farion

Iryna Farion

Iryna Dmytrivna Farion - Ukrainian linguist, educator, scientist, and politician.

Member of the Politrate of the Svoboda party since 2005, Representative of Ukraine in the VII Zemstvo (2012-2014). Doctor of Philology, Professor at the Lviv Polytechnic National University.

Place of birth. Education. Born in Lviv. Graduated in 1987 from the Faculty of Philology of the Lviv I. Franko National University.

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Scientific activity. Worked as a laboratory assistant at the Department of General Linguistics of the Lviv I. Franko National University. In 1996, she defended her doctoral dissertation and received the academic title of Doctor of Philology. Currently, she is a professor at the Department of Ukrainian Language of the National University Lviv Polytechnic. Author of five monographs and hundreds of scientific articles.

1998-2004 - Chairperson of the Language Commission of the 'Prosvita' - Lviv Polytechnic University.

Since 1998, she has been the initiator and organizer of the annual language and creativity competition among students and schoolchildren 'Language - the foundation of your life'.

On September 15, 2015, she defended her doctoral dissertation on the topic 'The social status of Old Ukrainian (Russian) language in the XIV-XVII centuries'.

Winner of the Oleksiy Hirnyk and Boris Hrinchenko awards.

Television. From December 2014 to June 2019, she created a cultural television project on the parliamentary channel Rada 'The Size of Personality' aimed at popularizing outstanding personalities of Ukraine in various fields of life.

On December 2, 2019, she began the intellectual and cultural television project 'The Gene of Ukrainians' on the NTA TV channel - aimed at spotlighting the lives of outstanding Ukrainians.

Komsomol and CPSU. Member of the Komsomol since September 1978. For over four years, she was a member of the Komsomol Bureau of the group. In the 1980s, she headed the circle for general linguistics and Marxist-Leninist aesthetics. As a member of the faculty 'Club of International Friendship', she held several conversations with foreigners to improve her Russian language skills.

From March 1987, she was a candidate for CPSU membership, and from April 1988 to 1989, she was a CPSU member. When asked by journalists how she would comment on the publication of documents confirming her membership in the Communist Party, Farion laughed and said: 'I laughed in their faces. Not at all. Eagles did not give explanations to hyenas.' Later, Farion stated that she had ended her CPSU membership due to a conflict with the leadership in 1989.

Political career. Member of the Svoboda party since 2005 (Chairman - Oleh Tyahnybok), member of the Politrate of the party.

Since 2006, she has been a member of the Lviv Oblast Council, deputy chair of the Committee on Education and Science.

From December 2012 to October 2014, she was a representative of Ukraine in the VII Zemstvo, participating as a candidate of the Svoboda party in the single-member constituency No. 116 in the Lviv region in Parliament. Chairperson of the Subcommittee on Higher Education of the Science and Education Committee of the Verkhovna Rada.

After the extraordinary elections to the Verkhovna Rada on October 26, 2014, Iryna Farion was not elected as a representative of Ukraine in the VIII Zemstvo, finishing third in the single-member constituency 116 (16.35% of the votes).

Scandals. In an interview with journalist Yanina Sokolova, Iryna Farion stated that she does not consider those who speak Russian, including soldiers of the National Guard unit 'Azov' and the 3rd separate assault brigade, to be Ukrainians. This statement caused a stir among some military personnel and on social networks.

On November 15, 2023, the Ukrainian Security Service opened a criminal case against Iryna Farion. On November 16, Iryna Farion was dismissed from the Lviv Polytechnic University after a criminal case was initiated against her.

Family. Iryna Farion was married to Ostap Semchyshyn. In this marriage, daughter Sofia (1989) was born. Farion is currently divorced. She has a granddaughter Eva (2017) and a grandson Dmitri.

November 16, 2023